Piadina salsiccia costine and radicchio with Molinari Balsamico Affinato

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Ingredients for 4/6 people

Piadina (about 5-6 piadina) 

  • 400 g Flour 00
  • 200 g Water
  • 1 tablespoon of lard T environment
  • 8 g instant yeast
  • 8 g salt

Filling for each piadina

  • 100 g Grilled sausage
  • 50 g Grilled and boneless ribs
  • 50 g Radicchio trevigiano cooked on the griddle
  • Molinari Balsamico Affinato DOP


For the piadina knead all the ingredients together until a homogeneous and smooth dough is formed, form a ball and let it rest for about an hour at room temperature. Divide the dough into portions forming balls of about 100-120 g and roll them out with a rolling pin on a floured surface until you get a disc about 3 millimeters thick.

Cook the piadina a couple of minutes per side in a non-stick pan or better if you have it in the classic text for piadina.

Once ready, stuff with sausage, ribs and radicchio previously prepared on the plate or even better on the barbecue for an even more intense taste. Add plenty of Molinari Balsamic Refined to give it the taste and final touch.