Gramigna Speck and Radicchio with Molinari Balsamico DOP

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Ingredients for 4 people

  • 400 g of Gramigna
  • 200 g seasoned Speck
  • 200 gr Radicchio trevigiano
  • Freshly ground Black Pepper
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 100 ml cooking cream
  • Molinari Balsamico Affinato DOP


Cook the pasta in plenty of boiling water for the minutes indicated by the manufacturer.

Cook in a separate pan the treviso radicchio with pepper and Olive Oil and add the diced speck towards the end of cooking.

Drain the pasta and put it in the pan adding the cooking cream and stirring over high heat until everything is well blended. 

Serve in serving dishes and add Molinari Balsamic on top as much you like.