Pumpkin Tortelli with Pepper, Parmigiano and Molinari Balsamico

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Ingredients for 4 people

  • 600 g of Artisan
  • Pumpkin Tortelli (for the recipe of our send emails and we will be happy to share it)
  • 100 gr of churn butter
  • Parmigiano Reggiano PDO minimum 24 months grated fresh
  • Freshly ground Black
  • Pepper
  • Some leaves of Sage
  • Molinari Balsamico Affinato DOP 


Cook the pumpkin tortelli in plenty of boiling water for a few minutes (until they emerge).

Drain the tortelli and pour them into a pan where we previously melted the butter together with a freshly ground pepper.

Mix the tortelli adding the fresh grated Parmigiano Reggiano and add extra black pepper to taste. Finally, add Balsamic Molinari and stir until you get a homogeneous seasoning.

Serve in serving dishes and add more drosp of Molinari Balsamico