Love for our land and ...

... love for future generations

Balsamico Molinari was born from a project of grandfather Franco Molinari, from the spirit of initiative that has always distinguished him, from his commitment, his curiosity and above all from his love for the family, in particular for his grandchildren.

Linked to traditions, close to the peasant environment Nonno Franco wanted his grandchildren to feel a bond with the land in which he grew up and that they themselves could carry on the traditions of their native places.

Each grandchild, at his birth, received as a gift from Grandfather Franco a battery of balsamic vinegar.

Lovingly cared for by their children, who have made the project grow, perhaps one day the grandchildren will carry it forward.

Housed in the family home, built by great-grandfather and renovated following the earthquake of 2012, the Molinari vinegar factory, breathes the scent of the countryside. The vinegar ages patiently in the barrels and its time is marked by the succession of the seasons: from the window it seems to observe its land from which it actually comes to life.

Fundamental stages of the Acetaia:

2002 Purchase of the first Battery called Matteo to celebrate the birth of the first grandchild and the beginning of the production of the Balsamic Condiment of Modena

2007 Purchase of the second battery called Beatrice to celebrate the birth of the second granddaughter

2010 Purchase of a third battery called Francesco to celebrate the birth of the third grandson

2011 Purchase of a Madre barrel from Tenute Ornellaia to improve the production and quality of the finished product

2011 Grandfather Franco Molinari unfortunately died prematurely at the age of 65

2012 The production area is affected by the Earthquake of Emilia which will unfortunately cause extensive damage to the structures throughout the area

2013 However, the activity is resumed and continues, maintaining the family tradition

2018 Kiwa Cermet  certifies Acetaia molinari as an acetaia producing “Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena”. Acetaia registered with code ABTM550

2020 An ancient vinegar factory in Modena dating back to 1960 is acquired in order to expand production and have product and barrels with over 60 years of history!