Bresaola Parmigiano Rucola and Molinari Balsamico Affinato

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Ingredients for 4 people

  • 600 g fresh sliced Bresaola
  • Parmigiano Reggiano PDO minimum 24 months cut into slices
  • 200 gr of washed and squeezed rocket
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Salt flakes type Maldon
  • Freshly ground Black Pepper
  • Balsamico Molinari Affinato DOP


Appetizer or light dish very simple to prepare but at the same time tasty.

Spread the slices of Bresaola on the plate, season to taste with freshly ground Black Pepper, Maldon Type Salt Flakes and Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Add the flakes of Parmesan cheese to cover the whole Bresaola and over the washed rocket.

Before serving, add the Molinari Balsamic Vinegar to taste in varying quantities depending on the intensity you want to obtain.