Rosette with Ricotta, butter and Spinach with Molinari Balsamico DOP

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Ingredients for 4/6 people

  • 300 g Flour 00
  • 3 Fresh Puff Pastry Eggs
  • 3 tablespoons EVO Oil
  • 500 g Fresh ricotta
  • 500 g Steamed spinach
  • 100 g Butter
  • Original Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Molinari Balsamico Affinato DOP


Prepare the dough, form a homogeneous dough with egg flour and EVO oil and let it rest at least 30 ‘wrapped in cellophane.  Roll out the dough with a rolling pin forming a thin layer of dough.

Spread on the dough a layer of well-cut spinach and a second layer of fresh ricotta. Roll up the dough going to close the filling inside. Wrap in a burazzo and cook in boiling water for about 15-20 ‘. Drain and cut into homogeneous slices.

Place one or two washers for each flat season with melted butter and plenty of Parmesan cheese. Finish by adding the Molinari Balsamic Vinegar in quantity. The aromas of Balsamic Vinegar will enhance this dish by accompanying the delicate taste of fresh ricotta.