Tagliatelle with Sausage, Truffle Sauce and Molinari Balsamico

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Ingredients for 4 people

  • 320 g egg noodles
  • 160 g grilled sausage
  • 1 elongated red radicchio
  • 80 g truffle sauce
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Molinari Balsamico Affinato DOP


Prepare in advance for the dressing: Cook the sausage on the grill to make it take the characteristic taste of smoked. Cut it into thin slices or cubes. Cut the red radicchio and brown in a pan with Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Cook the tagliatelle 3-4 minutes and then pass in a pan with browned red radicchio, sausage cut into cubes and mix everything with truffle sauce.

Serve and add freshly ground black pepper and spread the Molinari Balsamic Vinegar in a quantity to taste. The acidity of the vinegar will enhance the flavor of the truffle giving the dish a unique taste.